“Hands of Time” is an emotional adventure that transcends the boundaries of imaginable worlds, a courageous quest into uncharted inner landscapes ultimately leading to creative freedom. Each section is divided into chapters and unfolds as a profoundly immersive tale, guiding viewers through magical places and stellar encounters.
As a part of the “Illuminarium Art Festival” 2021 program, an event that transforms Zürich into a winter wonderland of light, the piece was projected onto the picturesque courtyard of the Swiss National Museum, a fabled setting hosting an enchanted world.
The path toward creative frontiers is an intimate exploration, a dreamy experience that can transform perception and spark imagination. Presented as a journey through the stages of existence, “Hands of Time” celebrates the circle of life, carrying within a mysterious, bright message that traces back to the universe’s origin. In this immersive realm, the boundaries of time blur, and the ending dissolves into the beginning.
By successfully combining aural storytelling and optical pictography, shapes and motifs evolve into a flickering vision, beckoning towards intuitive perception. An expanding universe, with its secret cosmography, comes to life, yearning to be explored.
During the worldbuilding phase, the architecture of the Swiss National Museum serves as a plot device and interlocutor, unfolding deep visual languages and new time portals. The chateau-like aesthetic of the building, with its towers and courtyard, fueled our imagination in crafting a fictional geography.
The museum’s inherent connection to history and time stratification sees art and science in an inseparable union, harmonized in this case by the creative drive in its figurative and abstract forms.
Art Director – Animation Production Assistant – Animation Soundtrack
Art Director – Animator Luca Pulvirenti Production Assistant – Animator Cristina Santangelo Soundtrack Giancarlo Trimarchi