School of
Video Mapping

Blik Blik Festival – Pilsen | CZ 2023.


Luca Pulvirenti – Cristina Santangelo (assistant)


Michal Rudolf, Vladislav Kruglyankin, Anna Merkulenko,Elizaveta Gamzatova, Anastasia, Julia Gorchkova, Jan Jachim, Jakub Nosek,Julie Tampier


The School Video Mapping Sparks Creative Renaissance

The city of Pilsen recognizes the importance of nurturing and promoting local talent within the creative industries. As part of this ongoing effort, a groundbreaking initiative, SOV – School of Video Mapping, has been launched, spearheaded by DEPO2015 and mammasONica.


Pilsen’s School of Video Mapping fosters creativity and nurtures talents. It offers a unique chance for artists to learn video mapping techniques, projecting visuals onto buildings and turning them into captivating canvases.


The School of Video Mapping aims to provide West Bohemia’s local creatives with the necessary skills and expertise to excel in the field of video mapping. The program aims to develop technical proficiency and encourage artistic experimentation, urging participants to think outside the box and redefine the limits of their craft.