
Genius loci weimar 2014 – competition winner
Anna Amalia bibliothek – Weimar | DE


"A spirit trapped on the surface of matter.  "

A restless spirit wanders ceaselessly within the physical world, providing an ideal opportunity to contemplate matter as a living, breathing entity. The Genius Loci, guardian and inhabitant of memory, is the narrator of Weimar’s renowned audiovisual art festival that bears its name. Showcased at the festival in 2014, “Limen” won the façade projection competition at the Anna Amalia Library, a remarkable testament to Weimar’s intellectual, cultural, and artistic heritage.

“Limen” represents a groundbreaking “tradigital” exploration, an inner and outer guided tour that releases the kinetic movement confined within a fixed space. It charts a visual path tied to the historical and cultural significance of the building. As the narrative unfolds, the physical structure slowly dissipates, revealing the hidden dimensions embodied within the architectural elements and transforming them into public heritage.

The essence of this work lies in the gesture, a tangible expression of dreams. The poetry inherent in the oniric and creative realms springs to life through an innovative poetic code utilising algorithms and language. Unlike conventional methods reliant on letterforms and digits, the integration of sensed pixels allows for a unique convergence between the virtual and physical worlds.

By merging traditional animation techniques with a digital approach, the work pushes the boundaries between space and imagination, offering a novel perspective on cinematic storytelling. The ultimate result is a real-time journey through the library that transcends time and space, unveiling its history, physical presence, and the treasures within.

The timeline

A full-length timeline organizes scenes and narrative shifts throughout the story. Each segment utilizes a unique animation technique, contributing to the overall rhythmic movement of the piece. Technical and visual changes align with iconic imagery, accompanied by a soundtrack that complements the storyboard.

Goethe’s everlasting presence, literary legacy, and acquaintance with the Duchess resurface in the narrative through visual and audio references. Symbolic representations of colors, the human thirst for knowledge, the seduction of power, the presence of chaos, sin, salvation, and spiritual renewal are all interwoven elements in this intricate narrative puzzle, each succeeding the other without adhering to a dualistic worldview.

notes on making of

The work behind Limen was enormous, encompassing theoretical exploration and practical execution. Purposefully steering clear of clichés and superficial interpretations, the narrative demands active involvement and intellectual engagement from the viewer, culminating in a profound moment of self-discovery. Through a hands-on empirical approach, we pushed the boundaries of clay-motion techniques and delved into the “aesthetics of surfaces” to devise a unique workflow tailored for large facades. Our methods included object motion, charcoal on paper, oil and acetate on 3D rendered CGI, motion tracking, cut-out animation, real-time reprojection and rendering, generative pixel sorting, and interactive coding.

The fusion of handcrafted skill and computational artistry guided the process, merging traditional 2D animation and stop-motion techniques with interactive generative coding for an unparalleled immersive experience. To encourage interactive participation, our team developed the “Poetic of Code,” a sensitive surface that enables users to deconstruct text from Goethe’s Faust by physically engaging with an interactive “veil,” thereby redefining new semantics of gestures within the writing process.

the urban space

Recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Anna Amalia Library plays a central role in the narrative, symbolising a physical repository that shelters centuries of wisdom and knowledge. A restoration of the library was initiated in the aftermath of the destructive fire in 2014. This ongoing meticulous work involves the recovery and digitisation of numerous texts. The combination of manual and virtual manipulation of matter and themes drawn from the extensive Faust collection housed in the facility served as inspirational elements for the narrative.

The city of Weimar, characterised by its winding streets, stunning architecture, and rich cultural heritage, provides a vibrant tapestry of artistic traditions. Values and meanings of centuries past are enshrined within this liminal place, containing the enigmatic aspects of human experience and collective memory. As the public delves deeper into “shared perception,” the Anna Amalia Library transforms into an interactive playground of dreams and stories, where the boundaries between imagination and reality blur, elevating the ordinary into the extraordinary.


Art Director – Animation – Screenplay
First Assistant – Animation
Stop Motion Animation
3D Animation
Production Assistant

Art Director – Animation – Screenplay Luca Pulvirenti
First Assistant – Animation Luigi Mignemi
Stop Motion Animation Michela Giuffrida, Lucia Candida Curione
3D Animation Giuseppe Cacciola
Photography Giovanni Narcisi
Production Assistant Cristina Santangelo
Soundtrack Giancarlo Trimarchi

Luca Pulvirenti
Luigi Mignemi
Michela Giuffrida, Lucia Candida Curione
Giuseppe Cacciola
Giovanni Narcisi
Cristina Santangelo
Giancarlo Trimarchi