Planar.s & Frame.s

Light sculpture – Walk Act – Weimar | DE


“All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances

William Shakespeare, As You Like It

Woven into the cityscape as a light sculpture, “Planar.s & Frame.s” is an urban installation that reconnects the physical and virtual realms through a collective walking act. Under the sponsorship of Doellken Lighting for Genius Loci Weimar 2017, the piece features LED structures strategically placed along a trajectory in the city of Weimar.

These luminous encounters serve as an experimental arena, encouraging interactions between the public and the artwork, fostering human connections and a harmonious relationship with the physical space. Defined by a shared act under the neon lights, the boundary between mapping and kinetics, light and matter, fades away. The focus shifts from the surface to the volume, altering spatial perception. Within this setting, collective consciousness finds a contemporary and playful expression.

The essence of a place, encompassing its historical legacy, architectural expression, socio-cultural nuances, and inherent spirit, is artfully invoked and elevated through this glowing promenade. By its very nature transitional, the walking path transforms into a collective energy field, evolving into a charged relational space that seeks balance. 


Serving as an urban metaphor for the global stage, where modern geopolitics intersects with territorial geography, the artwork assumes the roles of a vessel, compartment, door, passage, window, gate, corridor, exit, and entrance.


The walking act introduces a highly innovative dialogue with the urban environment. Spread throughout the streets of Weimar, the installation revitalises the surroundings, forming a constellation of new reference points for pedestrian flows. Movement shapes the space, with the luminous path revealing a redesigned urbanscape, defining its boundaries and boundless potential.


Light design
Technical partner
Sponsored by
Produced by

Light Design mammasONica
Technical partner Sinergiegroup
Sponsored by Doellken lighting
Produced by Genius Loci Weimar

Doellken lighting
Genius Loci Weimar